Queens of Quality Podcast

Unlocking Ethical AI in Life Sciences: Insights with Steve Thompson PT4

Episode Notes

In this episode of Queens of Quality, co-hosts Michelleanne and Jen engage with guests Emily Barker and Steve Thompson in a conversation on AI and ethics. Major topics include AI's difficulty in dealing with negative constructs, limitations, and the role of the Algorithm Review Board (ARB). The team frames the conversation by comparing AI to different aspects of human behavior, illustrating its limitations. They delve into negative programming and its implications on pattern matching in AI. 

The episode also highlights the importance of a diverse cross-section of people in ARB to minimize bias and raise various ethical considerations. Lastly, it expands on the ARB's potential in handling AI's limitations from different perspectives, confirming their readiness to tackle new challenges and inviting more diverse voices to join the conversation.

00:31 Introduction and Welcome

00:54 Discussion on AI and Ethics

01:48 Understanding Negative Programming in AI

02:12 Exploring AI's Limitations: Pattern Matching and Negation

04:27 AI's Struggle with 'No' and 'Not'

07:33 AI's Lack of Self-Awareness and Empathy

09:06 The Role of AI as a Tool, Not a Replacement

10:16 The Importance of Human Involvement in AI

11:00 AI's Struggle with Uncertainty

14:10 The Role of the Algorithm Review Board (ARB)

22:32 Conclusion and Invitation for Participation


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